Soshur Services
At Soshur we ask, what is the greatest place you’ve ever worked at look like? Our goal is to help build that!
We help organizations embrace and develop and environment that enriches lives and inspires communities. These aren’t just workshops and training, this is a fundamentally different approach that creates higher value and revenue while embracing a culture of constant learning and change. That’s why we say, the future is here, the time is now, the answer is you!

IT Professional Leader Coaching and Development
Giving leaders the tools needed to coach and mentor organizations is the key to our framework. We take the mystic out of the role and help leaders understand how to better engage the communities they serve and create trust that is life transforming for the organizations they represent.
Industry Benchmark Assessments Connecting Customer and Business Insights
Systems are in us and all around us. Using systems analysis tools to engage the right data for priority decision making is key to keeping the most innovative ideas at the forefront of your business. We help you engage the right data for key decision making and give you tools to approach it with confidence.

Enterprise Topology Leadership Learning and Development
Take the mystic out of the Topology conversations. Use clear data to analyze team topologies and approach re-structures with concepts that allow your organizations to organically adopt new team forming without loosing the psychological safety needed to keep your Organization accelerating forward.
Valuable and Accurate Organizational Measures
Imagine your entire organization using clear measures to predict, analyze and create value for your business. Where an entire organization can learn to experiment relentlessly with accurate data for priority decision making. We take the buzz words out of the ‘measures’ conversation and get to the real insights from objectives.

Aligning Customer Product Value to Organizational Initiatives and Goals
This is more than just identifying the most important products your organization can represent, but customers actively being a part of the product development with data that informs and represents both the customer and business accurately. These are tangible tools and techniques to guide organizations toward their vision and mission with confidence.
A Happier, More Trusting, Vested Culture of Learning and Growing
What does the greatest place you’ve ever worked at look like? We are here to help you build it! Combining all of the ingredients together to create a happier, more vested work culture is exactly what our team does. We help organizations embrace the change and get teams excited to learn and grow. This is where and how leader legacies are created.

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